Blinn–Phong shading model — The Blinn–Phong shading model (also called Blinn–Phong reflection model or modified Phong reflection model) is a modification to the Phong reflection model developed by Jim Blinn.[1] Blinn–Phong is the default shading model used in OpenGL and… … Wikipedia
James F. Blinn — James Frederick Blinn, häufig Jim Blinn zitiert, (* 1949) ist ein US amerikanischer Informatiker, der Pionierarbeit in der Computergraphik leistete. Blinn erhielt 1970 einen Bachelor Abschluss in Physik und Kommunikationswissenschaft an der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jim Blinn — James F. Blinn is a computer scientist who first became widely known for his work as a computer graphics expert at NASA s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), particularly his work on the pre encounter animations for the Voyager project, [See Wayne… … Wikipedia
Phong shading — refers to a set of techniques in 3D computer graphics. Phong shading combines a model for the reflection of light from surfaces with a compatible method of estimating pixel colors using interpolation of surface normals across rasterized… … Wikipedia
Gouraud shading — Gouraud shading, named after Henri Gouraud, is a method used in computer graphics to simulate the differing effects of light and colour across the surface of an object. In practice, Gouraud shading is used to achieve smooth lighting on low… … Wikipedia
Phong Shading — Ein Polyeder mit Phong Shading (rechts) Phong Shading ist ein Verfahren aus der 3D Computergrafik, um Polygon Flächen mit Farbschattierungen zu versehen. Benannt wurde es nach seinem Entwickler Bùi Tường Phong, der es erstmals 1975 vorstellte.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of common shading algorithms — Below are the list of common shading algorithms:* Lambert * Gouraud * Phong * Blinn * Oren Nayar * Cook Torrance * Ward anisotropic … Wikipedia
Rendering (computer graphics) — Not to be confused with 3D rendering. A variety of rendering techniques applied to a single 3D scene … Wikipedia
Рендеринг — Фотореалистичное изображение, созданное POV Ray 3.6. Модели кувшина, стаканов и пепельницы созданы при помощи Rhinoceros 3D, модель игральной кости в Cinema 4D. Рендеринг ( … Википедия
Рендер — Фотореалистичное изображение, отрендеренное в Rhinoceros 3D, модель игральной кости в Cinema 4D. Рендеринг (англ. rendering «визуализация») в компьютерной графике процесс получения изображения по модели с помощью компьютерной программы. Здесь… … Википедия
3D rendering — is the 3D computer graphics process of automatically converting 3D wire frame models into 2D images with 3D photorealistic effects on a computer.Rendering methods Main Article: RenderingRendering is the final process of creating the actual 2D… … Wikipedia